Set Up Distributed Tracing

Learn how to connect events across applications/services.

Distributed tracing connects and records the path of requests as they travel through the different tiers of your application architecture. If your architecture consists of multiple services that live on different sub-domains (e.g. and, distributed tracing will help you follow the path of events as they move from one service to another.

This end-to-end visibility allows developers to identify bottlenecks, pinpoint the root cause of errors, and understand component interactions—turning what would be a complex debugging nightmare into a manageable process that improves system reliability and performance.

Here's an example showing a distributed trace in Sentry:

A full distributed trace in Sentry

This distributed trace shows a Vue app's pageload making a request to a Python backend, which then calls the /api endpoint of a Ruby microservice.

What happens in the background is that Sentry uses reads and further propagates two HTTP headers between your applications:

  • sentry-trace
  • baggage

If you're using the current version of our JavaScript SDK and have enabled the BrowserTracing integration, distributed tracing will work out of the box.

To get around possible Browser CORS issues, define your tracePropagationTargets.

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [Sentry.browserTracingIntegration()],
  // Capture 100% of spans. This is useful for development and debugging. Consider reducing in production or using traceSampler
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
  tracePropagationTargets: ["", /^\/api\//],

By default, the browserTracingIntegration will automatically continue a trace found in a <meta> tags that look like this:


If you want to continue a trace from a server, e.g. in a server rendered application, the server will have to emit these meta tags into the rendered HTML. You do not need to configure anything to continue traces from <meta> tags, if you use browserTracingIntegration.

If you don't want to use browserTracingIntegration, you can set up Custom Instrumentation for distributed tracing.

If you're using version 7.57.x or below, you'll need to have our tracing feature enabled in order for distributed tracing to work.

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [Sentry.browserTracingIntegration()],
  // Capture 100% of spans. This is useful for development and debugging. Consider reducing in production or using traceSampler
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
  tracePropagationTargets: [

This tells Sentry to track user journeys across three places:

  • Your main API server (where product data comes from)
  • Your authentication server (where logins happen)
  • Any API calls that start with "/internal-api/" on your current domain

This way, if a customer experiences an error during checkout, you can see the complete path their request took across these different services.

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [Sentry.browserTracingIntegration()],
  tracePropagationTargets: [

This configuration lets your app track user actions across:

  • Your main API server (handles most app functions)
  • Your media server (handles images, videos, etc.)
  • Any local API endpoints in your app

If your app crashes while a user is uploading a photo, you can trace exactly where the problem occurred - in the app itself, the main API, or the media service.

If you want to disable distributed tracing and ensure no Sentry trace headers are sent, you can configure your SDK like this:

  dsn: "",

  // Overwrite the defaults to ensure no trace headers are sent
  tracePropagationTargets: [],

If necessary, you can override the default trace duration by manually starting a new trace.

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